GHB and the bed

Hi Louise & Malin,
Shall we meet in "Le Bed" for a drink on Thursday
evening... i've been there once and i liked.. it's
in the Mad building.. on the 2nd floor.. entrance is
at the back side.. you will see a big sign "Le Bed".


-----Original Message-----
From: malin ovesson
To: M Leunissen; Louise Gunnarsson
Subject: SV: drink Thursday
I am not sure I want to meet the two of you in bed....

-----Original Message-----
Från: Louise Gunnarsson
Ämne: RE: drink Thursday
Till: "malin ovesson", "M Leunissen" I'm not sure
either...  but should we try it out anyway tomorrow?
Maybe we'll like it:)

-----Original Message-----
From: malin ovesson
To: M Leunissen; Louise Gunnarsson
Subject: SV: drink Thursday

the worst is, Mark says he has been there once before AND that he liked it.... GHB? Rohypnol? At least I dont remember anything of it...


ovenissans yummydummy potatoe gratain

This gratain will for sure make you yuuuuuuuummmmmma.

cut ca 6-7 potatoes in slices.
Boil for ca 5-10 minutes in salted water (to limit the time in the oven)

Make a mushroom soup according to the recipes but only take half the water as recomended.
When ready add 1 dl cream and ca 1-2 dl soy milk (or normal milk), half a vegetable stock cube, salt and pepper.
Stir and let boil for a couple of minutes.

alternate potatoes, 1 sliced union, a handfull of spinach, 50g of kidneybeans, gorgonzola and the sauce in a ungsfast form. Make sure that it is really creamy, if needed add cream or soymilk. Top up with loads of grated cheese. Pick something yummy as gruyere or other tasty cheese. 

Put in oven for 30-45 min. 225 degrees.

If you need to think about the blood value or need to diet the cream can be exchanged for the soymilk or milk. But the gratain will of course be sliiiiiightly less yummy.

Eat with a green salad.


aggressiva apor eller hänsynslösa människor?

Den här artikeln beskriver apor som aggressiva. Vad dom däremot inte skriver om är hur dom blev sa aggressiva. De aldra flesta djur är av naturen inte aggressiva. De aldra flesta djur attackerar endast om man pa nagot sätt stör dom i DERAS omgivning eller hotar dom. Människor har matat dessa apor fran bilar, trots att det är förbjudet. Detta bidrar naturligtvis till att aporna närmar sig bilarna för att fa mat. Eftersom aporna är vilda sa ser dom till att fa tillgang till "sin" mat pa "sitt" sätt. Det finns 2 lösningar pa detta "problem". Att människorna slutar komma till platser där aporna finns, eller att döda aporna. Vi vet alla vilken av lösningarna som kommer att användas.

Snälla, mata ALDRIG vilda djur. Det leder bara till dess undergang. Denna tillfälliga personliga tillfredsställelse att se de vilda djuren pa nära hall leder bara till att djuren kommer att behöva skjutas och vi andra inte kommer att kunna se dom i framtiden. Detta gäller all matning av djur, i nationalparker, hajmatning etc.

beeing home, my new job and continuing my blogg????

home sweet home. What are the good things beeing home? My sweet cats of course. My 2 small kärlekstussar full of cuddles. Porrige, absolutely. Not having to dress to go to the toilet when waking up at night. The freshness in the november swiss air.... skiing (well, when the snow arrives)... I guess it is a bit depressive to come back here from Australia... have sort of a sad feeling... guess it will soon dissapear. Travel hangover????

BUT, I have something nice to look forward to! I got a new job. Communication & Interior design manager for the new Geneva store. Same thing actually that I do now but I get to do everything from scratch. Hire my own team, build the actual store, store routines, strategys and so on. I will start mid January  so I guess I will know a bit more soon. Exited! I will have my office across the road to where I work now until we get access to the new locations in Geneva around june.
I guess we should move to Geneva... I am not very exited about that though... but of course it does not make sense for 2 people to commute every day from Lausanne to Geneva (I guess I have to admit that Johan is right about that). But hell, Geneva is much more expensive and less good!!!! no value for money really... so what do I do???? any tips??? Well, if you happen to have a super nice, fairly central flat, that does not cost much, let me know!!!

Actually I created this blogg to keep you updated of our travels... what do I do now beeing back??? I was never thinking about that when I created it... I guess I could transfer my travel blogg to a Johan blogg... when I blogged about him was the day when I had the most hits... weird? Or maybe to a blogg about management or homefurnishing? a blogg about my lovely friends? or maybe just about me and my weird mind and average life? I dont know... feel free to give me some tips about what you would like to read about. I guess I will try to write as loong as some people wants to read.
If you wish to get an allert to your mail when I have blogged you can do it on this link:
where it says RSS put:
and were it says email put your own email.

Bloggdesign is a mistery... I would like to change so much, put pictures and stuff! I vote for that bloggsites should be made for people and not for computermaniacfreaks!

Yesterday Johan arranged a surprise party for me. Well, it was not much of a surprise because my good friend Louise informed me on friday. Thats what I call a good friend! Then I would not have to be there with my hair in a mess and in my mysbyxor with 13 people suddenly showing up. And Johan was happy cos then he got help with shopping and preparation. ;)
Anyhow, a nice evening with some good friends, Johans pizza and my wonderful coctails that noone wanted to drink. Now you have to come again to drink it!
THANK YOU GUYS FOR COMING! Love you! And thanks for the present! A rope. Just what I needed!

And from my sweet boyfriend I got half a macbook (as a combined christmas present)!!! Hope I can order it today! :D I imagine it will look like this:

I am exited! Sooo need a new computer and Macs seems to be great! Anyone who has some good programs? I guess I will need at least the office package and some aditional nice stuff like photoshop, indesign ect. let me know!

Bondi, ballet and home....

Spent the day in Bondi. A beach packed with people. Bondi is not a special beach. Really. Only that it is there where the hot australian surfers are hiding.... but I will anyhow take the best one home with me tomorrow...


This evening we went to the Opera house to see this ballet, The Condor. 3 completelly different plays. Really nice! I must say, what would Sydney be without its Opera house???? Not much I guess. And this the australians can thank a dane for!
Some pics from the 3 different plays:


Tomorrow at eight we fly out from Sydney. Home in lausanne by midnight local time... :( There are so many more things to see in Australia!!!!!! But to be honest I am looking forward to the flight. It is so nice to just sit there and watch nice films and beeing fed from time to time... :D

Thank you Collin for lending us your flat. And thank you Helena and Jono for your hospitality. Well appriciated.

Sunset over Afghanistan:

flying bats and muscle pain

22-23 november. We came back to Melbourne from the great ocean road at nine in the evening. The driver took us directly to the Vegie bar that he recommended. Really nice place. Cheap, all veggie, generous dishes, good service.
The next day when we walked around Melbourne we even went there again to have lunch. It is in a nice area, quite alternative, bohemian or vintage with a lot of cool bars, restaurants and shops. Really miss this in Switzerland... the whole monday we walked around Melboune for hours and hours. Muscle pain! 

Impressions from Melbourne:


24 november. Sydney. Rain. Took a very lazy morning. Then we walked and walked and walked and walked... probably more than 10 kilometers again. Ouch! Pain... but probably good for the health... We walked around town, the botanic gardens where we saw really cool flying foxes hanging like fruits in the trees:


nuts nuts nuts, food food food, ice cream ice cream ice cream.... jeeeeezzzz, he never stops screaming for food... (not the bats, Johan). Any bets for how long it will take until he has his beer stomach???? 

And tomorrow we are going to se a balet in this place:

Thanks mum and dad for the birthday money! Now I can go to see this performance! :)

war in germany? ... and venemous snails and the great ocean road

20 november. In the evening after the dives we went to town to eat. We found a beautiful Balinese restaurant with fantastic food. The best food I have hade here in australia. Bay village it was called. yummy!

Cairns is quite a cute and clean town it seems and so far the only town we have seen which has kept some of the old collonial buildings and houses.

Tree in the city Crown Hotel Cairns Typical Aussie House

22 november. Birthday. Great Ocean Road. Rain... It rained as much in one day as it does during one whole average month of november in Melburne. Well, the good thing is that I got to use my jacket that I have carried around for almost 3 weeks. The bad thing is, I could as well have gone to sweden...
An other good thing is that my boyfriend remembered to say happy birthday (after reminding him several times the past week, last time yesterday when he assumed that we should cook dinner in the backpackers this evening!!!) The bad thing is, this is the 3d year when he forgot to organize a birthday present or anything else. Well I will make him invite me for dinner this evening at least... somehow...  Kristina and Janne, did you never celebrate any birthdays in your family or is he just born like that???

So, the Great ocean road tour started with a visit to Bells Beach. Jenny, what are you on about? Bells beach was just a bay with some sand... But maybe with some sand and wellbuilt surfers it would look different? In fact, talking about surfers, they dont look like the ones I have seen on pictures. Total dissapointment... Hey aussie guys - shape up!

After several stops by beautiful view points completely covered in mist and rainclouds we got to a rainforest. Took a little walk and then back to the bus. Now this forrest has the worlds only venemous snails and the only cure is to burn the flesh after touching one!!! yyyaaaauuuck! After beeing 10 min on the bus a girl notices 2 of these on her flipflops. Scary things. Black, around 2 cm stretched out and 5 mm thick. We finally managed to get them into a bottle. Phew...
After we went to see some wild koalas. Well, wild... they sleep 22 hours/day so they dont look especially wild.... but they are sertainly cute. The kangaroos were jumping around on the fields like the deers would on the fields in skane. 


Then we went to see the 12 apostels and london bridge. Absolutelly spectacular views! Unfortuanatelly the timemanagement of the tour (go west) was not very good so the time was too short. We took an additional option to see it from a helicopter (johan got his dosis of flying and some ideas about taking commercial flight certificat or helicopter certificat!!!) Great views!!! Can absolutely recomend to do that. But if you are going to see the great ocean road, rent your own car.

Great Ocean Road

Could anyone tell me what is going on in Germany? 3d world war? Nuclear powerplant leakage? ... something serious it must be because half of germany seems to be in Australia... well, anyhow, who wants to be in germany when u can be in Australia...

During the trip here in australia I never experienced good toilet paper. To be honest it has been crap! Is that due to bad sewerage system or do the aussies just dont know how to make paper?????

lazy day on magnetic island and the great barrier reef

19 november. Elisabeth day. Happy nameday mum!

Today I spent the whole day under a tree by the pool. A short swim every now and then, reading my book,philosophizing and in between a bit of slumbering. Niiiiiiice.... that is holidays. Today was also the first time in 2 1/2 weeks that me and Jo spent more than 15 minutes separated. Johan went for a 2 hours "bush walk" where he could cuddle koalas, parrots, snakes lizards, crocs etc. That was enough time that I would miss him. Scary development... I mean, when I get home my days at work will be a lot longer than that... :O
the pool by the backpackers:  magnetic island:          the koala:                                                     

Johans wildlife tour:

In the evening before we would take the nightbus to cairns we tried to kill a couple of hours in Townsville. WOW... THAT seemed to be a real hill billy town. Thursday, a lot of nightlife and guys that drunk so that they could not even get in to the places at 22.30. Girls in mini skirts and highheels looking like they would "go to work" and actually not go for a drink.

20 november. Today we took a boat that took us out to the outer great barrier reef for some more diving and snorkelling. Nice. Of course these dives could not live up to the Yongala dive but anyhow it was a really nice day we spent out there. Fuckin hell... we have dived on the great barrier reef!!!! the biggest reef in the world!!! cool hey?

birdattack, wreckdive and withsundays.

wow, now I have so much to write about that I dont even know where to start...

We spent 2 days and 2 nights on a katamaran sailing trip. We had some nice dives. Johan 4 and me 2 due to the really ugly cold that I got (why on my vacation?????) we went snorkelling and to the withhaven beach where we took some beautiful and very funny pictures. Sorry that you will have to be patient with that...  The sand is made of silica and was used for the Hubble telescope. The staff and the boat (Wings 3) was great. Can highly recommend it if you would pass by Airlie by any chance...

Johan enjoying himself:

Pocket size girlfriend:


Yesterday we came to magnetic Island in the evening. This place is full of animals. On our way to the hostel there was a koala crossing the road with her little baby on her back and the kangaroos were jumping around next to the road. The possums  are eating from our hands on our bungalow and the birds, bats and what ever else it could be are keeping Johan terrified awake at night. There was also a bird who wanted to share the shower with me today. I guess he was slightly more scared than me. He flew around, I crouched down and he landed next to me with his whole wing lenghs covering most of the shower floor. He managed to squeeze under the door but came back once more before he managed to get out of the bathroom finally. Poor thing...

The possums:              The bird in the shower:  The pool and the backpacker:
Johans wildlife tour:
Today we made 2 fantastic dives on the yongala wreck which sank 1911 together with 122 people. Today it is a fantastic aquarium.with huge turtles, seasnakes (apparantly the most poisonous snakes in the world), sharks and huge schools of trevellis, groupers and soooo many other fish. Such a nice dive! One of the top divesites in the world apparantly.

Blogging about Johan I noticed that it payed off. Double as many hits as on a normal blogg about our trip.... Hm... I guess that I should add a little chapter only for this subject. Johan beleives he has a broken ribb. His ears are full of wax. Despite his hypocondric side he is a great dive and travelbuddy!

some words about Jo

I have a request from Jo's sweet mum to write more about Johan... of course I can do that. Apart from that we do the same things. We actually spend 24 hours together. the only time we spend separate is on the toilet more or less... But anyhow, here is some updates specifically about Jo:
Johan wants to eat the whole time. Eat eat eat... a beer stomach is nothing you get, it is something you deserve. Really, Johan deserves one and in a few years he will for sure have one. Nuts, nuts, nuts, icecream, icecream, icecream, smoothie, smoothie, smoothie....
Jo was also out running yesterday evening. This I would never do. He made a trample error (is that how you say trampa fel in english?) so he is complaining a bit now and is worried that he will not be able to dive with fins (how will you then dive?).  He also has some pain in his ribbs after his surfing trials and of course some caughs and so. We are really a crippled couple aren't we?
Johan was also up this morning to do the laundry. Is he not a dream man so say?????

And here he is, dreaming about diving and sailing.... never been more happy!

I have had some requests for how to make comments on the site. Just below the blogg it says kommentarer. Just click on that and you will be able to put a comment. They are very welcome! :)

Curing a cold in Airlie beach

So we have spent 2 days in Airlie Beach waiting for the sailing tour which is starting tomorrow and we are coming back on tuesday. This is what we will se:                                            On this boat:

YYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will that be soooo great??????

I got a cold yesterday and have a bad throat pain and yesterday a bit of sinus problem... I sooo hope that it will disappear for tomorrow so that I can dive...

And yes, I did have some australian food! Tastless, unhealthy and overboiled... they seem to put a lot of ketchup and other stuff on it to make it taste something. Nope, I will stick to the asian food and the m & Jo's kitchen. Tonight sushi. Yes, I can not have too much sushi...
I have heard so much of the famous australian barbeque. I can tell you m & Jo's barby by lac leman is much better. Often they seem to do the barbeque on parkingspots. How great is that????? 

What does a backpacker look like???? Give me some hints and I'll give you the answers on my next blogg. :) Looking forward to that! Just as a first hint... they usually carry backpacks...

skepp o'hoj!

coming back from paradise

It's 21.00 and I am sitting on the nightbus from Hervey bay to Airlie beach. We have had 2 beautiful days on Fraser Island.  We did some nice trecks in the rainforest (fraser has 4 different eco-systems) and an other one passing a huge sanddune leading down to a green lake - lake wabby where we went for a swim together with the catfish.

Sunrise at Fraser Island with wild dingos:

Next day we went to indian heads, a nice viewpoint from where we could see huge schools of dolphins, sharks, mantas, stingrays and other types of fish. We visited the wreck of Mahino which stranded on the island 1935:
  The Maheno Shipwreck, Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

We went for a swim in Eli's creek, a river of only rainwater:

In the afternoon of the second day, our last stop, was lake Mc Kenzie with beautiful white sandy beaches. Like in paradise!

File:Fraser Island a06 lake mckenzie.jpg   

The island is world heritage marked by UNESCO an is the worlds largest sand island. It has huge fantastic sandy beaches and NO roads so 4WD is the only option. The rides are quite bumpy but puts you nicely asleep like a baby. :)
Tourism Queensland 
We took over 200 pictures. There has been some requests for that. It will come! ... when we get home. Until then use google pictures. :) Now sailing on withsundays is on the timeschedule! :)

jo's arrival and Australian zoo

So Jo has arrived. :D And he did find his way out here to Noosa although he had to pay for the trip twice, a punishment for not following his girls advice... So yesterday I spent the day tying to keep him awake. Speaking, telling stories, taking a walk... I managed until 21.00 then he was out for 12 hours. But hey, not bad.

Today we took a walk in town and went to the beach surfing. Well, Johan was brave and tried to and I.... nja either I can blame the big waves or just admit that I am a chicken. So, no surf for me... next time I will just have to take a class, then I have no choice...

Saturday I went to the Australian zoo. There you can see all the australian animals and more. Crocodiles, koalas, otters, tasmanian devils, wombats, all types of snakes and birds, elephants and tigers etc. I spent 6 hours there studying the animals. They are doing a great job to save the animals on earth. Do a donation for the good sake. Fantastico! The tigers behaved JUST like Dayo and Indi, just in super mega size. I SO WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!! Tigertrainer would be my dream job... can I put that in my development plan???? IKEA ZOO .... Ingvar, I have a new business oportunity for you!

otters, Harriet the huge, snakes.... some animals are more cuddely than others... scary to know that these guys are out there wild... But the green one is really not as venemous as it seems! It is generally the black, the silver and the brown snakes that are deadly. So I just have to stay away from those...NO WORRIES!

And my future collegue:

The really nice backpackers we stayed at:    and a cool tree in noosa national park 6.00

Tomorrow we are off to Hervey bay to see Fraser Island in a 4W drive! :)

My first observations of Australia

Australian pricing - Did they take over the norveigan pricing? Expensive like hell. This will be my most expensive trip so far, hopefully ever... will have to live on potatoes and lentils for a few months after this...

Lifestyle - Australians are so cool and laid back! I love their attitude - positive, friendly and happy. They are so enjoying life. They are organic too, and proud of it! Yepp, I could live here! Easily.

Food - summa summarium so far, sushi two times, japanese nudles, thai nudles, indian, lasagne, nachos, thai green curry.... so far.... where is the australian food? And what the hell is it?

Architecture - Is it rather towards asian???? Still with some american influences? Again, I should go and check before doing this harsh statement. What is clear is that they should get some landscape architects into the country, or anyhow some architects. It seems like they are allowed to build anything anywhere, like in asia. In Brisbane for example, they have destroyed the river with highways crisscrossing it. In surfers paradise is surounded by skyscrapes. I dont mind skyskrapes if they look good and if they are in the right placement. But there...  If you are a good architect... Australia needs you...

and beaches beaches beaches!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful!!!! :D But where are the mochito bars on the beach??? Lojsan, you must know that?

heading to Noosa Heads

wow, it took one week! one week only until I started to speak to myself. I do like these conversations. Good questions, good answers and extreemly good thoughts and comments. well, I do speak to you from time to time. but hey, no answers no comments! Is anybody out there?

So I spent a day at the gold coast but did not find any gold so I decided to continue up the coast. So I am back again on the bus - again with the gestapo driver. Is he following me? Is he trying to freeze my toes off?
I like to take the bus. It really makes me feel like I am on the way, even with a gestapo driver... I was told so many times that flying is so much better in australia. I dont agree.

Surfers paradise on the gold coast for sure has an absolutely lovely beach and nice waves for surfing. But thats it. So quickly I decided that next stop is Noosa Heads, where I will go to meet my man on sunday. :)
So today I have spent the afternoon strolling around in Noosa and the beach. Niiiice. I can easily spend some days here... And the hostel is fantastic too:

Tomorrow I will go to the australian zoo... to work on my spider and snake fobia?

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