My first observations of Australia
Australian pricing - Did they take over the norveigan pricing? Expensive like hell. This will be my most expensive trip so far, hopefully ever... will have to live on potatoes and lentils for a few months after this...
Lifestyle - Australians are so cool and laid back! I love their attitude - positive, friendly and happy. They are so enjoying life. They are organic too, and proud of it! Yepp, I could live here! Easily.
Food - summa summarium so far, sushi two times, japanese nudles, thai nudles, indian, lasagne, nachos, thai green curry.... so far.... where is the australian food? And what the hell is it?
Architecture - Is it rather towards asian???? Still with some american influences? Again, I should go and check before doing this harsh statement. What is clear is that they should get some landscape architects into the country, or anyhow some architects. It seems like they are allowed to build anything anywhere, like in asia. In Brisbane for example, they have destroyed the river with highways crisscrossing it. In surfers paradise is surounded by skyscrapes. I dont mind skyskrapes if they look good and if they are in the right placement. But there... If you are a good architect... Australia needs you...
and beaches beaches beaches!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful!!!! :D But where are the mochito bars on the beach??? Lojsan, you must know that?
Men hallå, du bor ju i ett av världens dyraste länder...så du borde vara van vid priserna. Du får leva på nudlar o vatten när du kommer hem bara du har pengar kvar till liftkort:) Ja, beachen i Surfers Paradis är väl ingen höjdare med alla de där hö borde tänka om. Var bor du i surfers? Vi bodde på ett YHA strax utanför staden som var himla trevligt:)Dåligt att de inte har mochitobarer.....dock har du o jag varit lite dåliga på att dricka mochitos i sommar tycker jag. jag har fortfarande kvar det där mochitopulvret du gav mig.
LÄGG UPP FOTON???? Jag vill se ju:)